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While the pressure increases to stay compliant, provide global transparency and manage risk, little time is left for tax functions to focus on strategic planning. To remain relevant to the entire company, tax functions must chart a course for continuous transformation that's immediate, holistic and practical.

Our 'Tax Function of the Future' thought leadership series will explore our predictions around governance, data, technology, process and people within the context of the global regulatory and legislative landscape, and what this means for business.

In this first publication of the series we consider the challenges facing tax, predictions for the future and how the current tax function will have to adapt to support and keep pace with the wider business.

We also recorded our client webinar on 25 June 2015 where we discussed the vision for the future tax function when it comes to regulation, risk, data, technology, process and people. You can access this recording below.

Webcast 25 June 2015

In our webcast, first broadcast on Thursday 25 June, you can watch our specialists discuss the vision for the future tax function when it comes to regulation, risk, data, technology, process and people.

Click on the link below to watch our recorded webcast. Please note: you'll need to register to view our recording if you haven't previously registered for this webcast.