Investment Firms Directive - potential changes to remuneration for asset managers

The Investment Firms Regulation (IFR) and the Investment Firms Directive (IFD) are currently in the process of being finalised by the European Parliament. The final publication is expected to be released in September 2019, two and a half years after initial inception by the European Commision. The final rules suggest significant changes to remuneration for many investment management businesses

FS Tax Accounting Seminar - 2 August 2019

Our summer FS tax accounting update covered current affairs topics including an update from half year reporting, IFRS 16 and IFRIC 23. If you would like to discuss any of these areas in more detail, please get in touch with any of the contacts listed in the attached slides or your usual PwC contact.

Brexit – Where now for AWMs?

The UK’s delayed departure from the European Union gives asset and wealth managers a potential window of opportunity to finalise their post-Brexit arrangements – but does not change the necessary choices firms must make about how they operate in the future.


Fresh thinking for changing times

The Asset and Wealth Management industry is of crucial importance and is rapidly changing...but with change comes opportunity.

BREXIT: Equivalence vs Passporting

In the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit, the UK would become a third country and UK financial services firms would lose their passport rights and access to the single market for financial services. In order for UK firms to rely on third country equivalence provisions in the respective EU acts, certain conditions would need to be met.

PwC UK FS Tax Forum: Brexit, tax policy and politics: The impact on the Financial Services operating model

Has the financial services industry reached an inflection point? If the 10 years since the financial crisis could be characterised as the decade of regulation, then the 10 years to come will be the decade of digitalisation. Everywhere you look within financial services, disruption is the order of the day: across the industry, businesses are rethinking their business models – and their core value propositions – as new technologies offer exciting new opportunities and create new threats.

US tax reform – How are asset and wealth managers reacting?

The flyer highlights what the US tax reforms mean at a practical level for asset manageres. What does it mean for asset manager US operations’ locations; legal form; compensation structures, and debt in US deal structuring? Hopefully our article helps guide you through the changes and this will also be the focus of one of our upcoming conference sessions.

Year-end employer tax compliance

With the end of the tax year having now passed, along with the first of the year-end employer deadlines, we want to take the opportunity to remind you of your remaining obligations and deadlines.

Pensions and Savings

The need for Trustees to properly consider the mitigation of tax leakage is now perhaps more pressing than ever before. This hub brings together the current hot topics and tax matters affecting pension schemes and savings products in the UK.

US Tax Reform

US Tax Reform could give rise to sweeping, complex changes for companies with a US footprint. To help you stay informed, we'll be updating this hub with all the latest comments and analysis as the situation develops.

The changing transfer pricing landscape

Over the last few years, the transfer pricing and more widely the international tax landscape have seen historic changes that have created significant uncertainty for asset managers. This is due to legislative and regulatory changes as well as the prevailing economic circumstances.

Brexit - how prepared is your business?

Asset and wealth managers operating across the EU must now begin to implement their plans to respond to the formal triggering of Article 50. Firms are considering possible worst-case scenario outcomes, what that would mean for their business and what no-regrets actions can be prioritised.