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Brexit - two years and ticking. Will your organisation be ready?

Asset and wealth managers operating across the EU must now begin to implement their plans to respond to the formal triggering of Article 50. Firms are considering possible worst-case scenario outcomes, what that would mean for their business and what no-regrets actions can be prioritised.

With the two year clock ticking, firms should deepen their analysis beyond simple equivalence and passporting concerns. The interaction between strategy, regulation, tax and immigration requires firms to take a more holistic approach, not just to comply with existing regulatory initiatives and to prepare for Brexit, but also to design and execute strategy beyond 2020.

In this help guide we explore:

  • The more detailed concerns that firms are addressing through their contingency and implementation plans
  • Expected political, regulatory and tax timeline of events
  • Key questions each firm should be asking
  • The five key areas we expect asset and wealth managers to be impacted
  • The potential roadmap for action
  • How PwC can help