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A collection of the brief insights throughout August 2019 of the type provided on an ad hoc basis in our Latest digital tax byte update.


28 August 2019 BIAC letter to Martin Kreienbaum (Chair of the Steering Group of the OECD Inclusive Framework)

A letter from the Tax Committee of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee ("BIAC") to the OECD to the Chair of the Steering Group of the OECD Inclusive Framework (“IF”). It was published as the IF considers the high-level framework for the work plan to be endorsed by the IF and G20 in the coming months (“IF/G20 Work Plan”) on the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy. The purpose of the letter is to state a small number of high-level principles that BIAC members feel will be crucial in guiding the project to a successful consensus that is both administrable and growth-oriented.