A collection of the brief insights throughout June 2020 of the type provided on an ad hoc basis in our Latest digital tax byte update.

12 June 2020

The current UK Finance Bill was debated at second reading on Monday 27 April 2020 and was then sent to a Public Bill Committee for detailed consideration. The Committee constitutes a number of members chosen broadly in proportion to the representation of the parties in the House of Commons.

The Committee will scrutinise the Bill line by line and is scheduled to report by Thursday 25 June 2020.

It debated the provisions covering the UK Digital Services Tax on Thursday 11 June - fifth sitting in the morning and then the sixth sitting in the afternoon. Following the Report Stage and Third Reading in the House of Commons, it will pass to the House of Lords with Royal Assent expected mid-July. An amendment that would require the Government to report on the DST annually was defeated and a new clause to require a Government assessment of the effect on tax revenues of the DST within a short time of its introduction was not moved to a vote.