A collection of the brief insights throughout March 2023 of the type provided on an ad hoc basis in our Latest digital tax byte update.

30 March 2023 - Liechtenstein publishes IIR, UTPR and QDMTT rules for consultation

The Liechtenstein Government has approved for consultation a report on the introduction of global minimum taxation under Pillar 2.

A law on the minimum taxation of large groups of companies (GloBE law) is to be created and the law on state and municipal taxes (SteG) is to be amended. Due to Liechtenstein's membership in the EEA, large domestic groups must also be included in the scope, analogous to the EU implementation.

The implementation provides for the introduction of a Liechtenstein supplementary tax in the form of a "Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax" as well as an "Income Inclusion Rule" and an "Undertaxed Payments Rule". Affected businesses have to apply the regulations of the GloBE law in addition to the tax law; there are no tax changes for all other companies (e.g. SMEs).