18 November OECD makes available all 300+ responses to the Pillar 1 'Unified Approach' consultation

The OECD Secretariat has made available all (300+) comments received regarding the Pillar 1 'Unified Approach' consultation, comprising 2,500+ pages.  You can download the zip file here.

PwC's response is also available on the Suite here.

16 November 2019 Possible expiration of the WTO’s customs duty moratorium on e-commerce

The OECD has noted the potential expiration of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) customs duty moratorium on e-commerce at the end of December 2019. Apparently, a small number of countries (Indonesia, South Africa, and India) are raising concerns about the inability to put duties on digital trade products (e.g. such as downloaded video games) – presumably because the advantage of tariffs is additional revenues beyond what is being raised through VAT – and could thwart plans to once again extend the moratorium (which requires unanimous consent of WTO members). The OECD has written about the WTO moratorium and commented that revenue gains would likely be small and counterproductive at the expense of export competitiveness.