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Period to 2 November 2017

Welcome to our latest update on recent developments in international and treasury tax of interest to multinationals operating in the UK.

EU launches state aid enquiry into UK CFC rules
On 26 October, the EU Commission launched a formal state aid investigation into the financing income exemption within the UK's CFC regime.

Penalties for enablers of tax avoidance schemes: draft guidance
HMRC has published draft guidance on new legislation for enablers of defeated tax avoidance schemes. This supports new legislation in the Finance Bill 2017. HMRC will publish final guidance on enablers of tax avoidance schemes once the legislation has Royal Assent.

The countdown for country by country reporting is on - are you ready?
We are entering the final countdown to the first multinational enterprise groups having to file their country by country reports. Read more in this PwC Tax blog by Peter Barlow