Two weeks to 20 March 2020

Welcome to our latest update on recent developments in international and treasury tax of interest to multinationals operating in the UK.

Budget & Finance Bill 2020
The new Conservative government delivered its first Budget on 11 March and the draft Finance Bill 2020 was published on 19 March.  Find out what our experts have to say here and on our Budget 2020 hub on TheSuite.

Responding to the business impacts of COVID-19
Coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause potentially significant people, social and economic implications for organisations. As the international response continues, how can you prepare your organisation and respond? Visit our global crisis centre webpage and our COVID-19 hub on TheSuite to keep up to date on this topic and see:

CFC state aid case - our experts discuss the latest developments
Following on from the guidance they issued towards the end of last year, HMRC has now commenced various actions to effect recovery of the alleged state aid in the Finance Company Partial Exemption (FCPE) case.  As reported in our previous edition, our experts discuss the latest developments in this video.