Offshore receipts in respect of intangible property - what do the new rules mean for you?
In this video, our specialists discuss this new tax - when the liability arises, who will be impacted and the areas of uncertainty we'll be discussing with HMRC shortly.  Find out what you should be doing now to prepare for its introduction on 6 April 2019.

Digital Services Tax Update
Contrary to recent indications it appears that the EU DST may not exempt FS as extensively as had been hoped. Read more here.

Paying Taxes 2019
Paying Taxes 2019 is a unique report from PwC and the World Bank Group comparing tax regimes in 190 economies worldwide with 14 years’ worth of data. You can watch the replay of a webcast held on 27 November used to present the study results and respond to audience questions.

PwC comments on UK research and development tax credit regime
Diarmuid MacDougall, global R&D network leader at PwC, comments on the attractiveness of the UK’s R&D tax credit regime following the publication of the Automotive Council’s International Competitiveness report. Read more in this PwC press release.

Beyond Brexit webcast: An end to uncertainty?
Our experts discuss what a Brexit deal agreement in November means for the remainder of the Article 50 period, the transition and beyond. Is this the end to uncertainty? And what should businesses be doing now to be ready? View the webcast here.