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The recent budget confirmed that the current public sector rules for contractors will be extended to the private sector. In announcing an April 2020 implementation date, the Government seems to have listened to the flood of representations calling for a sensible lead time for the changes.

Even so, the impact of these reforms should not be underestimated, and arguably represent the most significant changes to the operation of employment taxes for many years. So how do businesses make best use of the lead time to implementation to ensure they are fully prepared for what will be significant operational and commercial changes?  

We’d be delighted if you’re able to join us at our seminar which is aimed at providing insight to organisations who will be impacted by these changes. Key areas we will cover include:

  • An overview of the anticipated new regime and what it might mean for a business, including the extent of the operational challenges and how these might be approached

  • Insight from the experience gained in assisting public sector clients implement the changes in 2017

  • Guidance on what we would recommend to get ready for the changes

Event information:

Date: Thursday 24th January 2019
Location: The Amba Hotel, Charing Cross, London WC2N 5HX  

Registration and breakfast: 08:00
Seminar commences: 08:30
Seminar concludes: 10:00


Please email to reserve your place at the seminar or if you have any questions regarding the event.

We look forward to seeing you soon.