Building Public Trust Through Tax Reporting - Trends in voluntary reporting

A review of the tax disclosures in the FTSE100 reveals an increase in tax transparency over the last 8 years, with some leaders dedicating time and energy to developing voluntary disclosures to inform the debate on tax transparency and improve understanding.

The tax transparency landscape is experiencing seismic changes internationally with historical legislative and voluntary reporting developments on the near horizon. The EU is taking the lead with proposals for public country-by-country reporting now being implemented across individual Member States.

The formation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) following COP26 represents the establishment of a new baseline for global ESG reporting, as efforts to harmonise the various ESG standards developed over recent years and elevate their status alongside IFRS accounting standards begins to gain momentum.

Find out what these developments mean for the future of tax transparency in our annual publication. Download our report for a closer look into our review of voluntary tax reporting in the FTSE100 for 2021.