Welcome to our latest round-up on recent international transfer pricing developments.

The key recent development was the approval of the OECD’s Work Plan for the Digitalizing Economy Project covering the next 18 months. Released May 31, the 40-page Work Plan notes the aim of finding a consensus-based long-term solution for a new international tax architecture that addresses both the allocation of taxing rights and nexus as well as unresolved base-erosion/profit shifting (BEPS) issues. Important anticipated milestones include a progress report in December 2019 (in which a unified approach may be announced), ongoing Working Party discussions throughout 2019 and 2020, and a final report delivered to the G20 by the end of 2020.

The EU state aid decision in the case regarding UK CFC finance company exemption remains to be another topical issue. Read more about the EC decision and its implications for business on our EU State Aid - UK CFC Hub.

You will find more information about the key recent developments below.

Tax & the Digital economy