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Status monitoring

We provide tailored comprehensive immigration support following the visa grant to ensure that individuals remain compliant with their visa requirements. We advise on the conditions attached to each visa and assist with monitoring immigration status in the UK to provide piece of mind to remain compliant and be able to extend. We understand that failure to meet the requirements could lead to a refusal or curtailment of immigration status in the UK. We will therefore monitor individual’s status and highlight any issues that must be rectified ensuring that individuals remain on track to extend their stay.

How we can help:

  • Provide post grant advice on the conditions attached to each visa
  • Assistance with police registration and updating as required
  • Advising and monitoring portfolio reports, financial accounts and bank statements
  • Maintaining a schedule of international travel for indefinite leave to remain and citizenship applications
  • Conduct ad-hoc business audits
  • Arrange regular meetings
  • Assist with booking of the English language and Life in the UK test

Visa extension

Upon completion of the initial visa period, individuals may be eligible to apply for an extension in the same immigration category or apply to switch into a different category. We will assist with the immigration application and provide an end to end service to include detailed initial advice, review documentation and information, prepare the application pack, draft cover letter, arrange an appointment, monitor progress of application and respond to any queries that may arise from the UK Visas and Immigration team.

Upon extension visa approval, we provide comprehensive compliance service to ensure individuals meet their visa conditions and are eligible to settle in the UK.