The House on 19 November voted 220 to 213 to pass the “Build Back Better” reconciliation bill (H.R. 5376) that includes more than $1.5 trillion in business, international, and individual tax increase provisions. All but one Democrat - Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) -- voted for H.R. 5376; all Republicans voted against the bill. 

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on 18 November projected an overall net cost of $1.7 trillion over 10 years for the bill’s package of targeted individual tax relief that includes an expanded child tax credit, clean energy incentives, and increased spending on healthcare, education, childcare, and other programs. 

The Senate currently is expected to begin action on H.R. 5376 in early December, after Congress returns from a Thanksgiving holiday recess. Some provisions of the House-passed Build Back Better legislation are expected to be revised by the Senate, which would then require further action by the House. A final identical version of the legislation must be approved by both the House and Senate before it can be signed by President Biden.