On 19 December, China released the Foreign Investments Security Review Measures which require foreign investors to pass certain reviews from the perspective of national security when investing in specific areas and industries in China. The Measures came into force on 18 January 2021 and have major and material impacts on certain foreign investment projects and transactions. The promulgation and implementation of the new rules demonstrates that China will continue to promote foreign investment and address security to further advance the opening up of China.

In this webinar, Barbara Li, Head of Corporate of Rui Bai Law Firm* will discuss the key issues that foreign investors may face after the Measures are enacted, and the resulting business impacts. We will discuss the following topics:

  • What types of foreign investment are subject to national security review?
  • Who is the reviewing authority?
  • What are the review mechanisms, procedures and timelines?
  • What decisions are expected?
  • What are the penalties for violation?
  • How should the national review process be navigated?
  • What are the practical solutions and best practices for compliance and risk mitigation?

*Rui Bai Law Firm is an independent law firm and a member of the PwC global network of firms.

Event details:
4 February 2021