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Shaping the tax transparency debate: Trends in voluntary reporting

The fifth edition of ‘Trends in Tax Transparency’, reviewing tax disclosures in the FTSE100 (May 2018: A review of the FTSE100 for 2017 year ends), reveals an increase in tax transparency over the last 5 years. A few companies are making innovative disclosures and shaping the debate. Others are developing a strategic response to the changing tax transparency landscape.

You’ve published your tax strategy – what next?

December 2017 saw many companies publish their tax strategy, as regulations came into force requiring large companies to produce a public tax strategy for accounting periods starting after 15 September 2016. The majority of the FTSE100 have now published their tax strategy. With continuing public and media interest in companies’ tax affairs, many companies will want to understand how their tax strategy compares to others.

VAT & Statistical Reporting Lab

Is your business equipped to handle rapid shifts in the landscape of Indirect Tax Reporting? Do existing processes and technologies deliver the information you need to handle internal and external challenges faced on a daily basis? A PwC VAT & Statistical Reporting Lab is designed to help you navigate these questions quickly, getting you to the right result for you faster.