Period to 24 January 2019

Welcome to our latest update on recent developments in international and treasury tax of interest to multinationals operating in the UK.

Reform of tax relief for goodwill and customer intangibles
Following a short consultation, draft legislation has now been published setting out reforms to the taxation of intangibles.  While there is welcome news of the reinstatement of relief for goodwill and customer intangibles and reform of de-grouping charges, an opportunity has been missed to provide true simplification of a complex area of the tax code. Read more.

Beyond Brexit Live Webcast | Ready or not? Here Brexit comes
With the ongoing political uncertainty and the 29th March rapidly approaching, it's vital that businesses act now to be ready for no deal, or a late agreed deal. Watch our recorded webcast where we explore the practical actions you can take now to be prepared for Brexit.

Live webcast: Global Solution Taxing Digitalisation: How will this impact your business?
The OECD will openly discuss on the 29th January the longer term solution for taxing the digitalisation of the global economy. This will affect every business in the UK with online international operations, not only those within the digital sector. It also has an impact on the proposed UK and EU digital services taxes and other countries’ unilateral measures. To find out what this means for you and the extent to which your business will be affected, register here to join our live webcast discussion on Thursday 7th February 2019.