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Attitudes to business have changed in recent years and there is far greater expectation on organisations to think about their impact on communities and on how they address inequalities in the workforce – spanning for example the ratio between highest and lowest earners, or pay gaps between genders and beyond.

Many companies have been doing a lot of good work trying to address fairness in the workplace. It is a complex area – it means different things to different people. It is why, this year, PwC launched a new category within the Building Public Trust Awards called Workforce Fairness. The ‘Workforce Fairness in the FTSE 350 Award’ recognises those companies that report in an authentic and accessible way and how they think about their employees and wider community. There are some great examples of initiatives undertaken across the companies – from addressing diversity and gender pay gaps, through to raising skills and capabilities as we automate and restructure. More information will follow on this as we announce the winners in November.