We are pleased to present the February edition of Keeping Up with Tax for Insurance. 

As we write this, the UK has just exited from the European Union. The long term implications of this change are still emerging, but we will of course provide insights on the implications for insurers as these become clear starting with an article this month on the transfer pricing implications.

In the meantime, there's been plenty going on in the world of tax and insurance and we have, as usual, highlighted key developments. The articles in our bumper 'new year edition' include:

As ever, please let me or the team know if you have any queries on any of these articles.

The findings from our tax function survey, highlighted in the second article, were particularly interesting. The survey clearly showed the ever increasing burden of tax regulation and resourcing pressures (no real surprises there!) Of perhaps greater interest is the evolving use of technology and rapid changes in the approaches of tax compliance which we’re seeing across the industry. I hope the output of the survey gives you some useful context of what your peers are thinking about that.